Apprenticeships, Courses and Workplace Training
Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology Rotorua
CoursesAt Toi Ohomai you can choose to study Forestry Operations or Forest Management.
New Zealand Certificate in Forest Harvesting Operations (Level 3)
Do you love tools and machines and want to work outdoors in New Zealand's forestry industry? This course, focusing on machine operating and landing operations, will get you started. There's a mix of Health and Safety, policies and procedures, plus practical learning at our harvest site.
You'll join a real-life harvesting crew to put your skills and knowledge into practice.

Introduction to the New Zealand Forestry Sector – Micro-credential (level 5)
Topics you'll cover: Forestry Introduction, History of New Zealand Forestry and current context including ownership, Species, nurseries, propagation, Commercial Silviculture, Environmental management & issues, Forestry on Farms , The commercial forest cycle.

New Zealand Diploma in Forest Management (Level 6)
covers business communications, marketing, finance and statistics, forest health and nutrition management, forest supply chain management, hardware fundamentals and technology, harvesting operations and silviculture planning.
There are also 12 and 20 week courses available in Basic Machine Operation.
Please visit their website or contact us to understand campus life in Rotorua, and full student funding available.
ApprenticeshipsDon't want to go to tertiary study? Then you can look at:
Workplace training and Forestry Management apprenticeships
This means you can work in the industry and gain qualifications along the way. Often an employer will contribute to your training.
Compentenz provides training programmes for employees in the workplace. From 1 January 2018 the first two years of industry training will be fees free for eligible learners. Check to see which programmes are included.
Don't know any employers in the industry? Want more information? We can help. Call or email the SNI Wood Council.