Who are we?
We are made up of a group of 31 financial members from within the the Southern North Island Wood Supply District. These include:
6 corporate forest owners (all FSC certified);
3 Farm Forestry Association branches;
1 forest investment manager;
5 forest management and log marketing companies;
2 local & international forestry consulting companies;
1 nursery;
2 transport operators;
4 harvesting contractors;
1 Port Company;
3 Sawmills.
Membership is voluntary.
The Council Is a non-profit organisation, with its own Constitution and Rules and is governed by an Executive Committee acting as a Board, elected from the Members at each AGM to represent their interests.
All Members have a common interest in ensuring the long-term success of the sector.
Membership is open to any company or individual with an interest in the local wood industry.
Our current members
In alphabetical order
Bushline Forest Harvesting Ltd
C3 is a leading provider in product handling solutions, on wharf and beyond, working in partnership with exporters, importers and shipping lines across New Zealand and Australia.

CentrePort Ltd
Located in Wellington, CentrePort is New Zealand's most strategically situated intermodal hub, linking road, rail, domestic and international shipping services.

China Forestry Group New Zealand
China Forestry Group Corporation New Zealand Company Ltd. is a leading forest products and management company. We are committed to the highest standards of sustainable development, environmental practice and professional forest management.

Dawson & Havard Logging Ltd
Ernslaw One Ltd
We are a New Zealand softwood plantation company, committed to creating sustainable softwood forests, and delivering premium quality appearance grade wood for products desired by Pacific Rim consumers.

Farman Turkington Forestry
Farman Turkington Forestry is a forest company based in Masterton and operates in the Wairarapa/Wellington regions. Our main speciality is Harvesting and Log Marketing of forests and woodlots.

Forest Enterprises
Forest Enterprises is New Zealand’s leading full service forest management and investment services company. Since 1972, we have been helping people grow their wealth through affordable direct investments in some of New Zealand’s most exceptional radiata pine plantation forests, and by expertly managing the forests from establishment to harvest.

Forest Management (NI) Ltd
Forest Management Group is made up of three independent companies with a common shareholding comprising Forest Management (FML), Tasman Forest Management (TFM) and Forest Management North Island (FMNI). Our group provides you with experience and specialist expertise across all aspects of commercial forestry. We can help to establish, manage and harvest your forest to achieve the best returns possible.

Forest 360
Forest 360 provides forest owners with industry leading harvesting and marketing services individually tailored for each forest owner.

Forme Consulting Group Ltd
Forme Consulting Group Ltd is one of New Zealand's most qualified and respected independent forestry consultancies based in Wellington. We work throughout the wood supply chain. Our skill is in providing experienced, knowledgeable, cost effective and practical advice. Forme has operated since 1987 and during that time has completed over 4000 projects.

GJ Sole Ltd
Horne Logging

Juken NZ Ltd
We are a New Zealand (“NZ”) based and registered company with a growing global outreach. We have been heavily involved with the NZ forestry and wood-processing industries for the past 20 years – manufacturing advanced and innovative wood products from selectively planted, managed and harvested Radiata Pine for local and export markets.

KD Logging Ltd
Kiwi Lumber
Kiwi Lumber is a privately owned New Zealand company operating three modern sawmills in the North Island of New Zealand (Putaruru, Dannevirke and Masterton).

McCarthy Transport Ltd
Our company vision is to supply a seamless integrated logistic service for the forest industry for an acceptable rate of return. The quality and reliability of our service is the basis for our future prosperity and is therefore the concern and responsibility of every employee in McCarthy Transport Ltd

McDougall Logging Ltd
Middle Districts Branch, FFA
NZFFA was formed in 1957. Membership is spread over 27 Branches throughout NZ, and there are 6 special interest groups. We estimate our members own or manage up to 100,000Ha of forest, and influence the management of a similar area. These forests consist of radiata pine; cypress; eucalypts; redwood; blackwood; other exotic species and managed indigenous forests.

Mitchpine Products, 10km north of Levin, have been supplying the ever-growing market with treated sawn roundwood posts and poles, for 39 years. They are a well established and respected company.
Mitchpine are specialists in providing cuts of timber for all outdoor requirements from fencing to decks and sturdy retainer walls.

MPI is the government's principal adviser on the forestry industry. We work to protect our forest resources from harmful pests and diseases, and support the industry in sustainably managing forestry resources while contributing to New Zealand's economic growth.

Murrays Nursery Ltd
Tararua based Murrays Nurseries is a pine tree nursery proud to have been at the forefront of growing pine tree stock - pinus radiata seedlings - and developing the latest industry research for decades. We predominantly supply high-quality radiata pine seedlings to large-scale forest owners with the seedlings grown on demand and to exacting specifications.

New Forests
New Forests is a sustainable real assets investment manager offering leading-edge strategies in forestry, land management, and conservation. Founded in 2005, we offer institutional investors targeted opportunities in the Asia-Pacific region and the United States and have more than AUD 5 billion in assets under management globally.

NZ Forestry Ltd
As specialist forest managers, NZ Forestry are committed to delivering the highest quality professional forest management with personal service, individual planning and attention to detail.

Nixin Contractors Ltd
Pentarch Ltd
Pentarch Forestry strives to build relationships across the forestry sector, from forest owners through to end customers. Our key areas of activity include:
▪ Timber exports from Australia and New Zealand
▪ Forest management services
▪ Management of all aspects of the supply from grower to end user

PF Olsen Ltd
PF Olsen is the leading provider of independent professional forestry services in New Zealand. We manage significant plantation forest estates and many woodlots and forest across all of New Zealand. We annually harvest and market millions of cubic metres of logs.

Summit Forests
Summit Forests is a very proud forest owner within the Northland Region of New Zealand.
Our current forest holdings total approximately 36,000 ha.
Protecting our forest and the forest assets of other forest owners within the region is of upmost importance to Summit. As such we invest heavily in maintaining our firefighting equipment and in staff training. Summit is an active member of the Northland Rural Fire Authority.

Taranakipine produces and supplies a comprehensive range of structural finger jointed and whole timber products from 100% renewable Radiata Pine forests.

Tree Awareness Ltd
Morris Fisher established what is now TAML over 30 years, physically planting, tending and managing forests; more recently Kelly Coghlan joined Morris to help further develop the services for their customers. Both have a genuine passion for ensuring all private forest owners achieve the best outcomes from their forest investment.

Wairarapa Branch, FFA

Wairarapa Estates Ltd
Wellington Branch, FFA

Initial meeting of interested parties to consider the issues arising from the increased wood availability in the region.
Established as an Incorporated Society.
Formally launched by the Minister for Primary Industries, the Hon Nathan Guy.
We will be the influential voice to describe healthy, safe and fair timber industry practices across our regions, and engender a positive image of the industry.
To have all members of the SNIWC, inspired, encouraged and committed to Good Management Practice to maximize health and safety, education, legal compliance (including RMA), transport and non-competitive operational benefits that minimize costs but maximize social and economic outcomes.